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Inaru in the Age of the Anthropocene

Updated: Sep 7, 2022

By: Alitza Cardona Collazo August 10, 2022.

Inaru means "woman" in Taino

Essay - Fiction - Story - Speculative Art

We certainly, can only imagine the secrets of civilization’s past when only the few have been made visible some manners and styles of existing. Historical engineering has proven to sustain the ability of ignoring the whispers and needs of the powerless, at the same, filling the spaces where silence and memories held the weight of the people that also loved. Are we choosing to ignore that when looking at the moon we share the same sky? How our blood is influenced by the same resources that enable our bodies to be sickened by psychosomatic anxieties related to survival. No matter the context, the fluid movement of our realities penetrates between the atoms, transforming them as time dissolves our bodies into memories and long gone wishes.

A book contains some structure reconstructed energy as the ontological image of the signified, in many cases, cultural idea of a thing. The solution to unsatisfied aims or a manner of displacement drive the motivations to formulate imagery through the metaphoric and relatable experience. What would’ve happened if the legendary Borges articulated an AI prompt so consequential and filled of sense, capable of dissolving irrationalities. Capable of unarming corruption. How could’ve this prompt --and its constitution--have been so carefully designed with Umberto Eco’s knowledge of language? How the sublime intentionality of consciousness, where design rests, could’ve contained the war on humanity? These are some questions that continue to perplex current keepers of memory. Today, after the great fall of morality we keep interpreting the spaces of consciousness. Aligned with a deep desire of working in community, we aim to understand its organization, especially when humanity has decided to aspire to baste survival from discourses of equality.

Here, the keepers of memory, the few that survived the great explosion of sound, present Inaru. This is a communication device generated for an utopia, in the context of what was commonly known in the Apocalypse during the times of affluence and ideology. When man, as a collective, thought resources where infinite to their living temporalities. Past humans choose to ignore how they were nature, intended to serve the unconscious and not the other way around. Inaruputs into perspective the idea of a benign technology created to support community organization when individuality, as a by-product of capitalism became saturated of inherited voids of shared corrupted stories that propitiate the fall of the Nation State and the abrupt end of Capitalism.

I have coded this information in the ancient ways of writing, as time could land its information in beings that have not yet unlocked the grounding sense of shared truth and virtues of unified knowledge. Relativity theory is regarded as the greatest invention of the 20th century followed by what was known as the internet. Memory keepers think of the internet as the prelude of shared unified knowledge before the gates of movement were opened to share the collective experience of inconsequence. After this, the fall of morality occurred after the internet became the downfall of disruptive experiences.

Humans once shared an illusion of hierarchy and merit through prevailing angles of perspective. Contrasting relativity, it is believed, the invention of difference first appeared in the collection of ancient metaphors chronicled in the corruptions of the sacred scriptures of the Bible as Genesis 1: 1-9, the Tower of Babel. As an era flowed through human’s watered bodies, ego boiled their fear transmuting an essential violence. This expanding event, in turn, articulated weapons through material action, by making the humans destroy their unrecognized landscapes of imagines thoughts, ritualistic selves and unheard identities. Being, at this point was a soundscape and each part unheard wasn’t lightened in the collective’s imagery of truth.

Inevitable change is transmuted and adapted, even though unhinged violence. The consequence of absurdities lying in the sea of corrupted stories is unaware of ascribed moralities to material realities, thus new expressions of once known circumstantial resources came to fruition. Planets are the unspoken of base of the inconsequential nature of things that are and are yet to be. As many things, a circumstance or a situation of its consciousness can be contained to an extent as it transmutes through the flow in the shared experience of movement.

Morality fell when humanity became unaccepting of its own fear, of unrecognized lived experiences. It was not the bomb that destroyed the ancient expression of temporality. Sound, impacted shared material truth, intensely enough, vibrations changed the perceived experience and expressions of corporeal bodies became thinned vibrational sources of linked information through shared consciousness as the body became more irrelevant to ancient ideas of aesthetics by virtue of revelation.

Here the proposed sense of the concept of the utopic sense of Inaru, explores the positionality and directionality of what can be known as a community, synchronically and without dualities, as what once recognized as a dystopia became the surfaced norm of the power humanity chose to give to the ego. Inaru means woman, in the ancient language of the Taino, a cultural group once located in the centre of the planet once known as earth. These communities where the first to become forgotten to the rising sea. This collective, shared a compassion and hope on unrecognized natures as theirs was longing to connect the spaces in need of possibilities.

In the early Anthropocene, at the fall of morality and the adaptations of the ego, Inaru meant hope.

Inaru by Alitza Cardona

year: Early Anthopocene

location: London, UK

"This Post-Internet, intelligent orb was a survival tool that could connect data sources via the vibration of super-magnetised particles. It was a vital information delivery platform used to transmit survival life-hacks to communities in highly restricted circumstances during the Early-Anthropocene. The object, aimed to promote organization and strategic exploration. The device was opened to be read, resembling an ancient object known as a ‘book’"

Illegal Museum of Beyond, Objects of the Misanthropocene

Theme: Human evolution extinction and tactics for survival

Exhibited at University of London Octagon Gallery

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